You are perfect

So, I’ve decided to write a post that relates to my Beauty post. Today, I’m talking about body shamming. Now, this is something we see on the internet ALL the time. Many celebrities get body shammed, and just regular people to. Fat, ugly, disgusting, people are called this all the time. Why? I’m not really sure, and if you’ve been shammed before, I am truly sorry. No one should feel bad about the way they look, EVER. If you’ve been body shammed before, this is for you. You are brave, strong, beautiful, worthy, and admirable. I admire anyone who has been able to move on after they’ve been hurt like that. Because I know it’s hard to except your body sometimes, but trust me, it’s worth it. It’s worth being able to go out, in whatever the heck you want, and feel, and look like a boss. There’ll always be someone who will make that comment, to take you down. But you, my friend, are stronger then that. Show them you don’t care, show them how much you love yourself. Because you should be proud. We are all beautiful in our own way. If you see someone being body shammed, jump in, tell them to stop. We need to stand together, not apart. Because if we all combine our voices, we’ll be able to change the world.


So, since I’ve already talked a bit about equality and discrimination, I’ve decided to bring up bullying. Bullying, is something that’s been around forever. No matter which time you look back in history, it was there. I’ve, personally, never heard of a school without bullying. Which is a real tragedy, because kids, are supposed to help each other. People are supposed to help each other. It doesn’t matter if you love the person, or strongly dislike them (hate is a word I don’t use), you NEVER watch someone be bullied. Stand up, tell them to stop. And if it’s you who’s being picked on, and you can’t say anything, please, tell someone. Even if we don’t think so, someone is always there. Someone always has your back. Ask a family member, a friend, another staff member, a teacher, anybody for help. Because it will get better, no matter how bad it is, it will get better. Because life can only get so bad, before it has no choice, but to get better.